Arrow Rock School Programs

Spring 2025 April 15 – May 16

It’s our 39th year of Arrow Rock School Programs!

Family Life and School Days in the 1800s (First through Fifth Grades), and Natural & Cultural History of Arrow Rock (First through Fifth Grades). Offered April 15 – May 16, 2025, Tuesday though Friday only, programs begin at 9-10AM, and are approximately two hours long.

To register, email [email protected] or go to and complete the form at the bottom of the text. Presented in partnership with Missouri State Parks and the Missouri River Bird Observatory. Arrow Rock School Programs meet Missouri Social Study Standards for all grade school levels. 

Help Me Decide

For example, if you want to spend one hour (your choice of a single tour) but are bringing 75 students (you should register for both programs), pick the larger of the two numbers. We can fit about 20 students on a tour. With larger groups we need to use all of the properties and resources available.


How long do you want to spend?

(not including bathroom breaks and lunch, if desired)
1 hour (your choice of a single tour)
2 hours (you should register for both programs)
3 hours (you should register for both programs)

How many students will you bring?

Less than 20 (your choice of a single program or both)
21-40 (your choice of a single program or both)
41-60 (your choice of a single program or both)
61-80 (you should register for both programs)
81-100 (you should register for both programs)
More than 100 (you should register for both programs)

Are you a homeschool?

You are welcome to register for any day available. We have set aside Tuesday, May 13th exclusively for homeschoolers.

First Through Fifth Grades


Visit the log schoolhouse where the schoolmarm will teach readin’, ritin’, and ‘rithmetic while students practice penmanship using quill pens and slates. Proper manners and rules for living are emphasized. Hands-on activities including chores and pastimes will help students envision daily life in the 1830s home of Gunsmith John P. Sites and his wife Nannie.

1st grade

  • 1.H.3.B  Compare and contrast our community in the past and present.
  • 1.TS.7.A.a Identify and analyze primary and secondary Social Studies sources in classroom discussion with guidance and support from an adult.
  • 1.TS.7.D Share findings about a Social Studies topic.
  • 1.TS.7. E  Ask supporting questions and find answers about a Social Studies topic, with assistance.

2nd grade

  • 2.H.3.A Compare the culture and people in our community across multiple time periods.
  • 2.PC.1.E Describe the character traits and civic attitudes of inventors or pioneers in their field who influenced progress in the nation.
  • 2.RI.6.C Recall stories and songs that reflect the cultural history of peoples from various regions in the United States including regional folk figures, Native American legends and African American folktales.
  • 2.TS.7.A.a Describe and analyze primary and secondary social studies’ sources in classroom discussion with guidance and support.
  • 2.TS.7.A.b Select and use artifacts to share information on socialstudies’ topics.

3rd grade

  • 3.H.3.A.b Describe the discovery, exploration and early settlement of Missouri by European immigrants.
  • 3.H.3.C Identify and describe the historical significance of the individuals from Missouri who have made contributions to our state and national heritage (e.g., Lewis and Clark, Mary Easton Sibley, John Berry Meacham, George Washington Carver, Laura Ingalls Wilder, Mark Twain, Harry S. Truman, and Thomas Hart Benton).
  • 3.H.3.F.a Describe the importance of the Louisiana Purchase and the expedition of Lewis and Clark.
  • 3.TS7.A.a Select and analyze primary and secondary Social Studies sources in classroom discussion with guidance and support from an adult.
  • 3.TS.7.A.b Create and use artifacts to share information on social studies’ topics (e.g. building structures and materials, works of art representative of cultures, fossils, pottery, tools, clothing, and musical instruments).

4th grade

  • 4.EG.5.D Analyze how people are affected by, depend on, adapt to and change their physical environments in the past and present.
  • 4.RI.6.D Analyze the preservation of cultural life, celebrations, traditions, and commemorations over time.
  • 4.TS.7.A.a Select, analyze, and evaluate primary and secondary social studies’ sources with guidance and support.
  • 4.TS.7.A.b  Analyze and use artifacts to share information on social studies’ topics (e.g., building structures and materials, works of art representative of cul tures, fossils, pottery, tools, clothing, and musical instruments).

5th grade

  • 5.RI.6.A.a   Compare cultural characteristics across historical time periods in the U.S. post c. 1800(e.g., language, celebrations, customs, holidays, artistic expression, food, dress, and traditions).
  • 5.RI.6.C Research stories and songs that reflect the cultural history of the United States c. 1800-2000.
  • 5.RI.6.D Analyze the preservation of cultural life, celebrations, traditions, and commemorations over time.
  • 5.TS.7.A.b Evaluate and use artifacts to share information on social studies’ topics.(e.g. building structures and materials, works of art representative of cultures, fossils, pottery, tools, clothing, and musical instruments.

First Through Fifth Grades

Natural and Cultural History of Missouri

Explore the native habitats of Arrow Rock and the Boonslick Region on a guided nature hike to the historic Missouri River Landing Trail. This trail led Arrow Rock’s visitors and residents to the treasured spring that still flows into the Missouri River today. Learn about current and historic plant and animal life; imagine what the river, bluff and forest-lined stream habitats looked like in the 1800s. Understand the value and use of natural resources for Arrow Rocks inhabitants. The program includes a tour of the frontier artist George Caleb Bingham.

1st grade

  • 1.EG.5.A.b  With assistance, read, construct and use maps which have a title and a key.
  • 1.EG.5.B  Locate a place by pointing it out on a map and by describing its relative location. (i.e., description of a location by explaining where the place is in re lation to other places.)
  • 1.EG.5.C.a  Identify physical characteristics of your community, such as
    climate, topography, relationship to water and ecosystems.
  • 1.LS1.A.1  Use materials to design a solution to a human problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them sur vive, grow, and meet their needs.

2nd grade

  • 2.EG.5.C.b  Identify and describe physical characteristics of the student’s
    region in Missouri.
  • 2.LS2.A.1  Plan and conduct investigations on the growth of plants when growing conditions are altered.
  • 2.LS2.A.2  Develop a simple model that mimics the function of an animal in dispersing seeds or pollinating plants.

3rd grade

  • 3.EG.5.C.a   Identify and compare physical geographic characteristics of Missouri. (e.g. climate, topography, relationship to water and ecosystem. 3.LS1.B. Develop a model to compare and contrast observations on the life cycle of different plants and animals. [Clarification Statement: Changes organ isms go through during their life form a pattern.]
  • 3.LS1.B  Develop a model to compare and contrast observations on the life cycle of different plants and animals.
  • 3.LS3.C.1   Construct an argument with evidence that in a particular ecosystem some organisms — based on structural adaptations or behaviors — can survive well, some survive less well, and some cannot. [Clarification Statement: Examples of evidence could include needs and char acteristics of the organisms and habitats involved. The organisms and their habitat make up a system in which the parts depend on each other.]
  • 3.LS3.D.1  Make a claim about the merit of a solution to a problem caused when the environment changes and the types of plants and animals that live there may change. [Clarification Statement: Examples of environmental changes could include changes in land characteristics, water distribution, temperature, food, and other organisms.]

4th grade

  • 4.ESS2.A.1   Plan and conduct investigations on how natural processes shape Earth’s surface.
  • 4.H.c.C  Examine cultural interactions and conflicts among Native Americans and European immigrants.

5th grade

  • 5. LS2.B.1  Develop a model to describe the movement of matter
PLEASE NOTE: Buildings are not handicapped accessible and program requires walking. You may also view a 20-minute video about Arrow Rock. Request this additional time outside of your morning program when you make your reservation.


Email info@friendsofarrowrock or complete the form below.

Available Dates and Times:
April 15– May 16, 2025 Tuesday – Friday only

Programs begin at 9 – 10 a.m., approx. 2-hrs. length

  • Name of school or group attending
  • School address, phone number & email address
  • Name & contact information for lead teacher or trip organizer
  • Choice of program
  • Preferred date & alternate date
  • Grade level or age group of students
  • Number of students, teachers & parents attending
  • Time of arrival & departure
  • Best time to reach you
  • Special information about your class
Group Size

  • Arrangements can be made for groups of 50 or more


  • $7.00 for each student & $10.00 for each for additional adults.
  • One teacher per class is admitted free.
  • Limited scholarships are available to offset program cost. Inquire at 660-837-3330.


  • Payment should be made on arrival, including the per person fee for additional adults
  • Checks payable to Friends of Arrow Rock
  • Purchase orders accepted

Where to start

Picnic Lunch Locations

  • There are several areas in town to have a picnic lunch. The Bingham Gazebo is behind the George Caleb Bingham House and there are several grassy areas where the students can sit and have lunch.
  • A picnic area, shelter house and playground are available in the Arrow Rock State Historic Site Park on a first-come, first served basis. The shelter house can be reserved for a $35 fee.

Rules And Guidelines

Students When you arrive we will place students into groups of no more than 20 students to maximize learning. If you know students that should be, or not be together, you can organize into groups before arrival. For example, if you have 23 students in your class (bless you!) they will be separated into two groups.

Teachers are free, as it should be.

Parents (and other adults NOT employed by the school) may join the tour at a cost of $10 (cash only). Our first consideration is the children. The schoolhouse is very small, and it’s a tight fit with 20, and ONE adult. We cannot cram in more. Please do not ask. We can point to a comfortable café or free seating.

Photographs are also welcomed, and our interpreters will give time for photos at the end of the session. Phones waving around and making noise is not conducive to learning. Adults not being respectful to the educational process is also not conducive to learning and will be asked to sit out.


Maximum of 50 people per day
School Address(Required)

Lead Contact Info

One person who will be the spokesperson the day of the tour

Business Contact Info

Grades of Students(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Presented with Support from the FAR Endowments of Corrine Jackson and Sue E. Subbs/NEH

© Friends of Arrow Rock. All rights reserved.